Tuesday, April 22, 2008

How to Go about Creating the Super-employee Environment – A Process

It's been a while since I posted my last blog but things have been busy and I finally got some much needed vacation. So, here's a brief introduction on how to start creating the platform on which an INternal Brand Marketing program might be launched.

By now, you’ve read enough evidence to support the benefits of developing an INternalBranding program aimed at creating an Employee culture within your company. However, you might wonder how to get started. First, let’s review something critical that was mentioned earlier in this work, and it is imperative that you buy into this philosophy. It starts with the Senior Management team. Executive management is the genesis of where an INmployee culture starts. Let me repeat – the buck stops, but also starts with Senior Management. They must understand, accept, and live the following ‘truths’ if an INternalBranding program is going to be successful:

1. Brand strategy is the visible expression of business strategy
2. Brand strategy means senior management leads by example
3. Branding is every employee’s responsibility

Management must be willing to:

INclude employees and listen to what they have to say about their current work environment – and even more important – be brave and willing to suck it up when hearing bad news

INvolve employees in being part of the solution and not the problem

Empower employees to take INitiative to correct what’s broken and leverage what isn’t

Encourage employees to be INnovative in creating a dynamic INternalculture, products and services

INvest seriously in infrastructure, training, social advocacy, and the INternalMarketing program to reach ‘end game’

Set the gold standard for INtegrity within the organization

Have fun, lighten up, act silly, pepper in some humility, and create INthusiasm. Within the organization … be like HERB !

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