Monday, February 25, 2008

Is Hollywood a Brand?

The 80th Oscar Awards Ceremony Neilson Ratings

And, so I pose the following questions to all you Brand-savvy readers of this Blog. Is HOLLYWOOD a Brand? Yes, yes, it’s a location embedded in greater Los Angeles, CA, but it stands for so much more ! The silver screen, entertainment, glamour, wealth, trendiness, indulgence, betrayal – all engendered in that iconic ‘logo’ sitting atop the Hollywood Hills. Might those be (and stand for) the values of this Brand … for better or worse? And if Hollywood is a Brand, who might be the most visible ambassadors of the Brand? The actors and actresses, directors, writers, cinematographers and editors who make magic happen on the silver screen? Are they Hollywood’s Super-employees who represent this Brand to the entire World? After all, the biggest shindig on earth – other than the Superbowl – is aired annually to celebrate them.

One might say yes and no. Employees of Hollywood, yes. Super-employees, I'm not sure! I was a bit surprised – but hardly shocked – when I heard today that preliminary Neilson ratings of the 80th Oscar Awards ceremony were 14% lower than the least watched Oscar show ever aired. 14% lower. What might that say about Hollywood as a Brand? Has the Brand become tarnished? Are people of sick of hearing about Brand-ambassadors like Brittany Spears, Lindsey Lohan, Mel Gibson, Michael Richards, and all those other employees of Hollywood that seem to believe that behaving badly is the way you represent a Brand that makes you wealthy and famous? We keep hearing the buzz about Angelina being preggers, but not much about Brad's efforts to rebuild NOLA. In this country of political and economic turmoil surrounded by a world riddled by war, terrorism, ethnic cleansing, poverty, famine and disease, might people just be sick of Hollywood – – and turning their backs to all of it ? I repeat, viewership of the 80th Oscar Awards ceremony was 14% lower than the least watched Oscar show ever aired. Now, could that be a loud statement coming from once-loyal , now disenfranchised customers who are turning their backs to the Brand saying ... "enough already"?

Think about it, and feel free to comment. I’d be interested to hear everybody’s take on this. Please, be diplomatic, though. I’m going out on a limb here !

Stay tuned for Installment 6. It's all about creating your very own Super-employee INvironment.

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