Monday, January 21, 2008

Installment 2 - The Seven INs of INternalBranding

Well, here goes. I promised you more. This is the first of the 7 INs. 6 more to go. Don't be surprised if I pepper in some brilliant insights I've picked up on the web about account planning, keeping employees happy, or just the general state of the world.

#1 - INvest: It Pays Back In Spades

Ensuring that you invest adequately in your employees, and they are included in how your company operates and delivers its goods or services to market is one surefire way to keep from getting trumped.

What would you imagine is the largest component of Singapore Airlines’ total operating expense. Fuel? 747s? Wrong ! It’s training. The company invests hundreds of millions of dollars a year on its employees in some of the most vigorous and comprehensive training programs in the airline industry. This sends a message that the company is investing in its employees to be part of one the highest performing operations in its category. It provides them with the skills to do their jobs with pride and efficiency while also positioning them for advancement. What’s the payback for Singapore? It has one of the most loyal passenger followings in the world who fly one of the most technologically advanced and profitable airlines on the globe. Engendered in the symbolism of the “Singapore Girl”, Singapore gets back in spades what it invests in its people.

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